Wednesday, May 21, 2008

what is love???

all of us had different comment nor idea about that question either me...For me love is not only about giving, fighting and receiving, I think it is also about letting go. I also think that giving up on someone you love doesn't mean you are a loser, quitter and that your feeling aren't worth it or are weak. For me if you really love someone and you want that person to be happy but he/she can't find her/his happiness with you and that they love someone else and that person loves them back, well you must let him/her go.. Not because you are a loser but because you want that person to be happy. If you like someone but can't let that person be happy with whom they really love or like then it is not worth it calling love and is not worth fighting for because if you really love that person I'm sure you want them to be really happy and you want the very best of life to him/she ..But if the one you love doesn't love you back never ever date his/her friends just so you can get close to them or don't try to find someone that looks like them cause you might end up hurting them..Just teach yourself how to let go of someone that you used to love and i know its not that easy to do..I know it hurt your feeling but you cant force him/she to love you back..Just think that the person you love is not the right one for you and im sure one day you will find him/she....

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